Are you a DJ looking for an easy and stress-free way to prepare for last-minute gigs? Look no further than Crate Hackers and their Spotify import feature! With just a few simple steps, you can have all the songs you need downloaded and added to your crate in no time.

Step 1: Go to Crate Hackers

To get started, open your web browser and type "Crate Hackers" in the search bar. Click on the link that appears in the search results to go to the website.

Step 2: Go to Spotify Import Feature

Once you're on the Crate Hackers website, look for the button that says "Import from Spotify" and click it. This will take you to the Spotify import feature.

Step 3: Paste the Spotify Link

In the Spotify import feature, you'll see a box where you can paste the Spotify link of the playlist you want to import. Remember that there is a limit of 100 songs per playlist, so if you need to import a larger playlist, be sure to break it up into smaller playlists or use a third-party tool.

Step 4: Click "Go"

After pasting the link, click the "Go" button and wait for a few seconds while Crate Hackers scans your entire library hard drive and matches the Spotify list to what's in your hard drive.

Step 5: Uncheck Songs You Don't Have

Once scanning is complete, you'll see the list of songs from the Spotify playlist. Some songs may have a checkmark next to them, while others don't. Uncheck the songs that you don't have in your library.

Step 6: Choose a Record Pool

Next, click the drop-down menu and choose the record pool that you're affiliated with. For example, if you're a Late Night Record Pool member, choose that option.

Step 7: Select a Version

After choosing your record pool, select the version of the song that you want to use for the event. You can listen to the different versions and pick the one that you prefer.

Step 8: Add to Crate

Once you've chosen a version, click "Add this to Crate Processing." You will receive a notification that the track was downloaded and added to the crate.

Step 9: Check All Songs

Check all the songs that you have in your library to make sure that you have all the necessary tracks.

Step 10: Export to Crate

Click the box and select "Export to Crate." Wait for a message that says your crate is being created. Restart your DJ software to see the new crate.

Step 11: Check Your Crate

Open your DJ software and check if the crate is there. You should see all the songs that you've added, including the one that you've just downloaded.

In conclusion, using Crate Hackers and their Spotify import feature is a game-changer for DJs looking to streamline their music preparation process. By following these simple steps, you'll have all the songs you need downloaded and added to your crate in just a matter of minutes. Keep in mind some possible troubleshooting tips, like staying under 100 songs, ensuring the playlist is public, and being aware of regional listening restrictions. So next time you get a last-minute gig request, don't stress – just turn to Crate Hackers!