Hey there, are you ready to learn how to use the Crate Hacker's desktop app to export a Crate to Pioneer's Rekordbox DJ software? Let's get started with this step-by-step guide!

Step 1: Add your local files to the app.

Before you start exporting, make sure you have added your local files to the Crate Hacker's desktop app.

Step 2: Select a crate from the list.

Scroll through the list of crates and select the one you want to export. Check which songs have hit a match, and if you can't find a song, use the dropdown tabs to find it.

Step 3: Sync any downloaded songs back to your collection.

If you download a song from the dropdown tabs, make sure to sync it back into your collection before continuing.

Step 4: Download the M3U and save it to your desktop.

Once you're happy with the crate, download the M3U and save it to your desktop.

Step 5: Open Pioneer's Rekordbox software.

Open up Pioneer's Rekordbox DJ software on your computer.

Step 6: Click on "File" and select "Import Playlist."

In Rekordbox, click on "File" and select "Import Playlist."

Step 7: Locate the M3U on your desktop.

Search for the M3U file that you saved on your desktop, and click "Open."

Step 8: Scroll down to find the crate.

If you scroll down to the bottom of your playlists, you'll find the crate ready to go. If for any reason the crate doesn't show up in the order that it shows in the app or the website, simply click the numbered columns to get it in the order that we recommend.

That's it! You're now ready to mix with your newly exported Crate in Rekordbox. Remember to follow these steps carefully and don't forget to sync any downloaded songs back to your collection before continuing.

Sidenote: You can discard the m3u file if you choose. Some DJs often store them in a folder as a backup. Be mindful, however, m3u files get easily corrupted when songs get moved from their original file paths. 

(UPDATE: Since version 2.9.13 we have transitioned to a drop-down menu, making it easier to select which DJ software you want to download or export to. The same functionality in the video applies to this step.)