Are you interested in understanding how the Crate Hackers charts work? Look no further! We've got you covered with a step-by-step guide on how to enter our chart rankings.

First and foremost, it's important to note that The Crate Hackers has a very strict set of rules that we follow. We only allow music that meets our high standards to enter the chart. To make it onto the chart, a song must meet the following requirements:

Popularity Score of 60% or higher

Danceability Score of 60% or higher

Energy and Valance (Mood) of 40% or higher

But how do we determine these scores, you may ask? Well, we use our very own proprietary music analysis encoder to measure each song's attributes. Once we have these scores, we then filter them by hand through our team of hacker curators.

But we don't stop there! Each song then goes through one final review during our live DJ hackathons. This is where we make sure the song truly deserves a spot on our chart rankings.

Our charts are limited to the top 100 songs, in order of the most popular first. We update our charts weekly, and our golds (top tier songs) monthly.

However, it's important to note that our charts are very experimental and can break at any given moment. So please allow for some flexibility. Let us know if you see any bugs. 

So there you have it! A step-by-step guide on how The Crate Hackers charts work. Keep in mind that we only allow the best of the best to make it onto our charts, so if you see a song on our rankings, you know it's worth a listen!